PO Box 895, Lafayette, CO  80026
Pancho Hansen, Coaching Director
Karen Logan, Asst. Coaching Director
Tom Van Lieu, President

(303) 666-8360
(303) 665-8681
(303) 666-4823
[email protected]
Are you playing in the spring?deas

If yes, the fees for the spring 2002 season are as follows;

·    U9 teams = $90
·    U10 teams = $90
·    All other developmental level teams 
      (non competitive division teams) = $90
·    All competitive division teams = $130

Fees are due by December 1st.
The state league, CSYSA, requires each team wanting to play in the spring to register and pay the state fees by the first week of December.  If not, CSYSA drops that team.  They make no exceptions.
Statements will not be sent to solicit this fee - see the back page of this newsletter for a billing statement.  Use this back statement and send it in with your payment.  Payments may also be hand delivered to the Annual Meeting - see below.

Announcement of our Annual Meeting!

When:      Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Time:      7:00 PM
Where:     Angevine Middle School/cafeteria
               1150 W South Boulder Rd.

Board of Director positions up for election and open to any member 18 years and older;
· President  ( one year term )
· Vice President ( one year term )
· Treasurer ( two year term )
· Member-at Large( two year term )
( 2 openings for Member -at-Large

Terms begin immediately upon the conclusion of the meeting.
Members already expressing interested in above positions are;
· President Tom Van Lieu-Incumbent
· Vice President Jude Sacry-Incumbent
· Treasurer Open
· Member-at-Large   Open

Any member interested in holding any of the above Board of Directors positions must contact Tom Van Lieu or other Board members or be at the library at the start of the Annual Meeting.
 Immediately following the Annual Meeting there will be a Board of Directors meeting.

Other important news!
The Boulder Valley School District has drastically increased field use fees; consider the following!


     With a 750% facilities-rental increase to all non-profit youth groups, the Boulder Valley School District has forced us to make some tough decisions.  Because the increase is graduated over three years, and started October 1st, we’ve opted to not let it disrupt the Fall ’01 season.  It has somewhat disrupted practice times for this winter-indoor season.  But we need to act quickly to avoid problems with next spring’s field season and future winter-indoor seasons.


Winter 2000-2001 Newsletter
     The rate increase primarily effects developmental field-teams and all winter-indoor teams, because we use BVSD facilities only in those contexts.  Our developmental field-teams use Pioneer Elementary School’s east soccer field, Monday through Thursday from approximately 4 to 7 PM and Saturdays from 8 to Noon, from mid-August through October.  The spring season repeats again from early March through most of May.  Our Indoor teams desire is to use the Pioneer Gym/Basketball Court (for practices only) 2 to 4 days a week (varies) from approximately 4 to 7 PM, November through December and some years from January through February (varies).
     The tough choices: 1) Increase developmental field-players’ fees by approximately 43% and indoor fees more drastically.  2) Spread the increase costs throughout the club-raising all fees, but less dramatically.  3) Find alternative facilities.
     Trebol Soccer Club fees are the lowest regionally for a reason:  One of our primary goals is to make quality soccer accessible to all youth in our community.  To further that end, through fund-raising, volunteering and sponsorships, TSC provides scholarships for those who can’t afford our fees.  In a typical year, 20% of our members are aided by partial or full scholarships, that percentage will undoubtedly increase if we raise our fees.
     Some things we can’t change - the expendable income levels of our membership and, apparently, the minds of the BVSD Board of Directors.  However, we can change our fund-raising efforts, volunteer participation, sponsorship development - and our choice of facilities.
 BVSD facilities are convenient, and ready alternatives are limited - local city parks are under consideration, but most are already overused and in high demand, and we understand that the new Lafayette Great Park will be available for games only, not practices.
     We face a challenge - and that’s where you come in. We need ideas, creativity and volunteers! (Pick one or more.) Does your place of worship, work or schooling - private, charter (or somehow not constrained by BVSD Community Schools policy) - have a gym, “all purpose room”, or large flat lawn that our kids could use?  How about your home-owners association?  Does your great-uncle have fallow fields he’s tired of plowing?  Does he or someone else you know need a tax write-off?  Are you now, or have you ever been a millionaire?  Do you now have a strong back and a couple of hours a month to help maintain fields and facilities?  Can you help clean up after practices?  Can you help with fund-raising, team management?  Can you serve on our Board of Directors?…do you have any ideas?
     Local practices have always been an important component of Trebol Soccer Club’s accessibility; however, in light of the BVSD decision, we may be forced to deviate slightly from that aspect of meeting our goal, but only as a last resort, only on the short term…only if we can’t find a local solution.

(Continued on Next Page)