Trebol Soccer Club

Get Started!

Preparation for the year begins each August. Principals and paras are met with and the scheduling is solidified. The program coincides with the regular soccer season. The fall session begins in September meeting three times per week and lasting 6 - 8 weeks, depending on the school‘s schedule. Spring session begins in March, lasting another 6 - 8 weeks.

Our trainers find that the most important thing to do is to keep the kids moving and having fun! Soccer skills will be introduced, but keep the ball in play. 

Trebol ends each spring session with a celebratory tournament in which all participating students have the opportunity to play against teams from other schools and celebrate their growth and hard work. The kids invite their parents, experience real competition, and put their new skills to the test. 

We recommend proceeding through the following steps to implement a successful season:

August: Meet with principal. Map out session dates and tournament date on the calendar.

September: Trainer meets with the Principal and the paras who will be on the playground with the kids. This is to establish a relationship between the trainers and the paras. We encourage the paras to promote the program while they are outside monitoring the students.

September: Introduction: Ask the Principal to introduce the trainers to the classes who will be participating in the program. This way the kids know the trainer is a safe person and expectations are set about behavior and session length.

September: Permission slips go home

First Day!

Press Release: Send a press release to local media to communicate with the community about your outreach.

Spring Tournament: Amigo’s Celebration is held after school at the end of the school year. Schedule this early as those end of year dates fill up. It is also helpful to schedule a rain date if possible.

Skills participants should be exposed to in this order:


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