Trebol Soccer Club

Trebol Soccer Club Recess-Based Soccer Toolkit

In 2009 Trebol Soccer Club began an outreach program into our community in Lafayette, Colorado, traveling to a handful of elementary schools to teach the game of soccer to local kids during recess. In the 5 years since, Trebol’s Amigos Program has evolved into a highly anticipated, successful, manageable, and inexpensive program that reaches 1,300 K-8 students each year in Boulder County. Through this program, these students are experiencing the benefits of organized soccer two seasons a year – on their recess!  

We have designed this toolkit to spread the reach of this valuable program. If we can provide you the road map on how to implement a similar soccer recess-based program at your own school, and at the same time share the many, many benefits we have seen over the course of this program, we believe you will be well-equipped and inspired to begin a similar program in your own school!

This site will give you the step-by-step instructions to implement the Amigos Program. Follow them exactly or take what you like. Inside you will find scheduling tips and budgeting examples, press releases, permission slips, and perhaps most importantly: feedback from our principals and students who tell us what they value most  about the program.
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